🎊農曆新年全店8折優惠🎊 由於農曆新年假期,倉庫將於1月21日至2月16日休息。為了感謝大家的等待和支持,我們將在假期期間在網店提供8折優惠,包括所有現有的折扣產品。付款後,所有產品將於2月17日之後發貨。請注意!謝謝❤️  (P.S.:此折扣僅適用於官方網站上的產品,謝謝!) 🎉20% discount for the Chinese New Year🎉 Due to the Lunar New Year holiday, the warehouse will be closed from January 21 to February 16. To thank everyone for your patience and support, we will offer a 20% discount on the online store during the holiday period, including all existing discounted products. After payment, all products will be shipped after February 17. Please note and thanks! ( P.S. :This discount is only applicable to products on the official website. Thank you! )

購物滿 HKD 1500.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨、國際送貨 )

【Mascotte】Berry Garden




【Mascotte】Berry Garden SIZE: Azone 1/6 Pureneemo Includes 套裝包含: 1) Bag 袋子 2) Necklace 項鍊 3) Dress 連身裙 4) Headdress 頭飾 Model size 模特尺寸: Azone Pureneemo M The outfit is modeled by Azone Pureneemo M body. It fits on Azone Pureneemo M and other dolls with similar measurements. 此作品以Azone Pureneemo M尺寸製作,其他相近尺寸素體請自行斟酌。

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